Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dazzled by Doilies

COMING SOON:  I will be adding items for sale as soon as I can gather them together for display. They will be under the link name "Doilies for Sale" at the top of page.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

It's practically turkey time and I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday with lots of things to be thankful for.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dazzled by Doilies

I have been crocheting for years and drooling over those gorgeous doilies I see. Now that I have joined ThreadAddicts on Yahoo, I have become an addict, too. I am working on a doily every spare minute and have watched my skills advance as I try new patterns. There are so many out there for free plus I've bought several books to keep me in doilies for years. Here are a few and I'll add more when I get my camera out.