Monday, November 21, 2011

Dazzled by Doilies

I have been crocheting for years and drooling over those gorgeous doilies I see. Now that I have joined ThreadAddicts on Yahoo, I have become an addict, too. I am working on a doily every spare minute and have watched my skills advance as I try new patterns. There are so many out there for free plus I've bought several books to keep me in doilies for years. Here are a few and I'll add more when I get my camera out. 


Teresa said...

Leandra, those are beautiful.. Just like the ones my mom and grandma made. I wish I was that talented and that patient.. I'll be watching for the ones you put on sale.. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Unknown said...

Hi Leandra, I'm also on ThreadAddicts! Wanted to say Hi from one Thread Addict to another :) and thank you for joining Handmade Connection - the more the merrier! Can't wait to see the doilies you're going to sell!
